March 18 is Global Recycling Day. While some participate in forest/nature cleanup efforts as individuals, much more can be done at the corporate level in manufacturing. Are we using our resources as efficiently as possible? Recycling is valuable, but preventing waste is even more important. How can we ensure that we are producing the greatest amount of product possible with the minimum amount of resources? One solution is pigging! It’s not just about getting all the product out of the line that is actually going to be used, but also significantly reducing cleaning time and detergents, all under hygienic conditions. After all, you want to sell what you have produced from your raw materials, all with shorter production times. At URESH you can count on 30 years of experience with pigging system in the pharmaceutical, biotech, food and beverage industries.
Recycling is good, but optimal use of raw materials and time is even more important! Pigging is easy, especially when you can count on experience and a safe, functional pigging system from URESH.